Tuesday, September 20, 2011

next to of course sharp cheddar coherent poems i

"centuries come and go and are no more what of it we should worry in every language even deafanddumb" ("next to of course god america i," 4-6).

as i read this poem i wondered if i was allowed to write in punctuation in the above quote i would probably add a period after more a question mark after it and a dash after language lack of capitalization i can deal with but punctuation matters so says the poster in mr costello's wall will you let me be yours gloria

i can say a few things for certain that jingoism is extreme nationalism and that the first few lines recite patriotic songs for instance question four asks if cummings admires the dead who did not stop to think based on the fact that this question was asked and we're on a unit of irony i will say no

the last line does little more for me than establish a speaker who drinks rapidly a glass of water after reading this poem i'd like to rapidly throw it against the wall that split infinitive was definitely necessary however i feel like i'm going to have to answer multiple choice questions about it


  1. You should know that I thought of this and laughed and immediately had to re-read it even though I still need to write a page of short story before 5:00 which is actually 3:45.
